
滴答历史 34 0

  1914年,英国有意在英属印度和俄罗斯/中国之间建立一个独立的西藏缓冲地带—“Quter Tibet”。最后,英属印度外交部长亨利.麦克马洪先生邀请西藏和中国代表前往印度的西姆拉。西藏由于急于独立,拥有自己的外交权利(而不是通过中国来与外国接触),于是便承认对拉萨势力范围的划分—麦克马洪线—把达旺割让给了英属印度,让其获利不少。

  However, the Simla Agreement was negotiated between the Tibetan and British representatives in a provisional sort of way after the Chinese representatives had packed up and left. Since Britain’s Foreign Office was protective of its China diplomacy and not interested in encouraging Tibetan pretensions to negotiate as an independent sovereign power, the absence of the Chinese representatives—and a Chinese endorsement of the border arrangement accepted by the Tibetan authorities–was a deal breaker.



  The Simla Agreement was apparently treated as an aspirational document and was recorded in the most authoritative compendium of British Indian treaties, Sir Charles Umpherston Aitchison’s Collection of Treaties, Engagements, and Sanads, with the notation that neither Great Britain nor China had ratified the treaty. Since Tibet wasn’t recognized as a sovereign power, whatever it hoped to achieve with the Simla Accord—and what it had tried to give away, namely Tawang– was, in the eyes of the British, moot.

  西姆拉协定貌似是一个雄心勃勃的协定并且会被收录在最权威的英属印度条约纲要—Charles Umpherston Aitchison先生的关于协议,契约,法令的收集—中。但是 Aitchison先生批注道:中英都没有批准这个协议。既然西藏不是一个主权国家,那么无论西藏企图从西姆拉协议中得到什么以及它在协议中割让的达旺地区,在英国看来都是无效的。

  Things puttered along until 1935, when the detention of a British spy in Tawang by Tibetan authorities awakened the cupidity of a diplomat in the Foreign Office of British India, Olaf Caroe. Caroe checked the files, found that Great Britain had no ratified claims on Tawang, and decided to amend and improve the record. He arranged for the relevant original volume of the 1929 Aitchison compendium to be withdrawn from the various libraries in which it was filed, discarded, and replaced with a new version—but one that still claimed to be compiled in 1929, thereby removing the need for awkward explanations or documentation concerning why the switch had happened. The spurious version claimed that Tibet and Britain had accepted the treaty.

  事情就这样直到1935年,西藏方面在达旺拘留了一名英国的间谍,这激起了一名英属印度外交官Olaf Caroe的贪欲。Olaf Caroe查阅了文件但是发现英国对于达旺地区并不拥有主权,于是他决定篡改纪录文件。他安排撤回与此相关的在各个图书馆里的1929年版的Aitchison纲要,这些文件都被归档或者丢弃,取而代之的是新版本的纲要,但是仍然宣称是1929年编译的。因此毁灭了解释这些交易(西姆拉协定)为什么会发生的相关文件,英国也不必为此解释了。伪造的版本宣称西藏和英国接受了西姆拉协定。


  The deception was only discovered in 1964, when a researcher was able to compare one of the last three surviving copies of the original compendium, at Harvard University, with the spurious replacement. Unfortunately, that was too late for Nehru, who staked his security strategy and his diplomatic exchanges with China to a significant extent on the fallacy that he had inherited from British India a clear and unequivocal claim to its borders.


  In 1962 Nehru decided to move up military units to assert India’s claim to territory in Ladakh/Aksai Chin and up to the McMahon Line in Arunachal Pradesh under a gambit optimistically named The Forward Policy. The PRC begged to differ—and Chairman Mao was itching to stick it to India’s patron, Nikita Khrushchev–and attacked. India’s entire strategy had been predicated on the assumption that the PRC would not respond (shades, I think, of Western confidence that Vladimir Putin would stay his hand in eastern Ukraine out of fear of sanctions and the wrath of his impoverished and disgruntled oligarchs) and the Indian Army, outnumbered, undersupplied, and disorganized, was completely unprepared to fight for the high ground in the north.

  1962年尼赫鲁乐观地提出了前进政策,他决定升级军事据点来强化自己对拉达克/阿克赛钦地区的主权宣示并且将据点推进到了阿鲁纳恰尔邦地区的麦克马洪线。中国发起了攻击但其实也是另有所图,毛 一直想给印度的保护人赫鲁晓夫一点颜色看看。印度的增个计划都是建立在中国不会对此作出反应的基础上的(从这可以看出现在俄罗斯与西方对抗的影子。西方一直以为普京由于害怕制裁和得罪因受损失而不满的金融寡头而不会插手乌克兰东部事务)并且印军寡不敌众,装备差又缺乏组织,根本没有准备好在北部高原作战。


  India suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands of the PLA. After its victory, the PRC decided to take the high ground, diplomatically as well as geographically. It withdrew its forces to behind the McMahon Line and offered a swap of AP for AC. No dice, as we have seen. India clearly does not see any need to credit AP—territory that the PRC abandoned—as any kind of bargaining chip concerning Aksai Chin. This is, perhaps, a cautionary tale to the PRC as to the geostrategic minuses as well as pluses of trying to behave like Mr. Nice Guy.


  This history is officially persona non grata in India. The report the Indian government commissioned on the 1962 war—the Henderson Brooks Report–was so devastating to India’s position and its legal, military, and diplomatic pretensions it was promptly banned and publication is forbidden to this day. In an ironic recapitulation of the case of the Atchison compendium, it was assumed that there were only two typewritten copies and they were securely buttoned up in safes in New Delhi. However, the Times of London correspondent, Neville Maxwell, got his hands on a copy and used it to write an expose on the tragedy of errors in 1962, India’s China War, thereby earning himself the fierce hatred of generations of Indian nationalists.

  这段历史在印度是不为人所知的。印度政府曾授权发表的关于1962年中印之战的《亨德森布鲁克纪实》,由于该纪实对印方的立场是极其不利的,于是印度的军事,外交和法律部门都要求将该报道迅速封杀并且直到现在都没有公开发行。而历史又讽刺性的重演了Atchison纲要事件,一直以来人们都以为世界上仅存的两份打印版布鲁克纪实都被妥善的保管在新德里。但是伦敦时报通讯社的Neville Maxwell得到了一份复制版本并且由此曝光出了印度在1962年战争中策略上的失误,他由此也招来了印度几代国民的极度仇恨。


  Maxwell tried several times to put the report into the public domain. As quoted in Outlook India, Maxwell provided an interesting account of how the freedom of expression sausage gets made when the information involved is not necessarily a matter of national security (the report is classified Top Secret, but its content—the minutiae of military decisions and movements sixty years ago have no current strategic or tactical significance) but is a matter of supreme political embarrassment (to Nehru, the Congress Party, the Gandhi political dynasty, and to the army).

  Neville Maxwell多次想让这份报道进入公有领域(人类一部分作品与知识的总汇),正如《展望印度》中引用的,Maxwell风趣地说到,当一篇报道虽然没有牵扯到国土安全(这份报道被列为绝密,但是它的内容—60年前的军队决策和部署,并没有策略上或者政治上的必要划为绝密文件),但却可能揭露巨大的政治丑闻(针对尼赫鲁,甘地的政治王朝,军队)的时候,言论自由便成了一纸空文。







标签: 外国历史故事
